Matcha is powdered green tea. Checkout the various health benefits of matcha tea, how it is different from other types of teas, and its history
A morning routine is essential for bringing about a radical change in the body, mind and consciousness. Know more about following a daily routine as per Ayurveda.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, Acupuncture, Benefits, Auricular acupuncture, Electro-acupuncture, Laser acupuncture, Facial acupuncture, Needles, Korean Hand Therapy, China, Benefits, Therapeutic
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing therapy that promotes health and well-being by utilising Essential oils.
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient systems of natural healing, with an emphasis on detoxification and the mind-body connection
Have you ever heard about sweat lodge ceremonies? Sweat lodge ceremonies are fascinating, mysterious, and intimidating to many people. With all of the negative attention, these rituals received a few years ago, you may be asking if sweat lodge ceremonies are safe. The fact is that people have been sweating for thousands of years. However, […]